My Blog List

Monday 26 August 2013

In about a months time I will make my first trip to a continent I have dreamed of for 12 years. Originally I planned to go straight there when I quit my job as an aerospace engineer and went into teaching but I decided to go to university instead and get my teaching degree. I qualified in 2006 and since then have been teaching abroad. The Spanish island of Gran Canaria was an extension of university where I made great friends and learnt a lot about teaching children in relatively large class sizes with many challenges including EAL, Dyslexia, Austism and more. After two years of fun there I moved to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia for a totally different experience in a large international school and had the opportunity to travel through much of Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei, Indonesia and many more wonderful countries in two years. Then I had the amazing opportunity of small island life in the Caribbean, presented to me as the head/class teacher of a tiny company school with only nine students. I spent three lovely years growing the school and my professional skills in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and now feel that I'm ready to go to the continent of my dreams. I have secured a volunteer position in a small growing school for three months (maybe more) in Ethiopia and this blog will show the world what I've been up to. Mainly for my family and friends to keep track of me as I hear the internet there is not great for facebook and the like but also for all others who have a dream like mine and want to read a little more about it. I will update as and when I can. Enjoy!