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Saturday 2 November 2013

Ethiopia Thirty-Eighth day - 02/11/13 otherwise known as 24/02/2006 in Ethiopia!

Well after a three and a half day Internet blackout over Ethiopia (or maybe just my guest house - who knows!!) I'm back to keep you up to date with the latest about my travels.
The children were loving the computers last week and I did a couple of hours staff training on Friday before heading back to the house to watch Despicable Me with the children - good times! I woke up in the middle of the night with a choking feeling and dry horrible throat - bad times!
So I just spent a week in bed after suffering from a horrible bout of Tonsilitis, here's how it went: Saturday my fever went from bad to worse but I just drank lots of water, took paracetamol and stayed in bed all day. I repeated this on Sunday but had the added joy of running to the toilet a lot which is always nice when you feel rough anyway! Stephanie and Dawit came to see me at tea time with some food and decided I  looked awful, so Dawit whisked me off to hospital to get checked out at about 7.30pm - by 8pm I was on an IV drip with my temperature showing 38.6 degrees and so I was told to spend a week in bed and take lovely antibiotics and pain killers until I could use my throat properly again. Unfortunately the side effect to the botics was sickness and diarrhoea so Monday and Tuesday were not much fun at all while my body fought the worst of the infection. By Wednesday I was feeling a lot better but still coughing up blood (very in tune with Halloween!) so on Thursday Dawit took me back to the hospital for a check-up where they took all my vitals and I found out I weigh 66kg! The doctor said that the blood letting is normal as my manky throat skin re-builds itself so I headed home for a celebratory glass of water and some teddy bear cookies!
It's Saturday today and despite not leaving the guest house for a week, I feel soooo much better. Stephanie and Dawit have been excellent, bringing me food and cups of tea three times a day and checking my progress. The guest house manager Solomon has also been very helpful and concerned, bringing me lots of bottles of water! Total cost of two trips to the hospital, with tests, IV, antibiotics etc. = about £35 Well done Ethiopia, you have a great health care system and you are lovely to foreigners!
No pictures I'm afraid - didn't want to give anyone nightmares with my nasty throat!
Happy belated Independence Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Happy belated Halloween for those who celebrate it and Happy Bonfire night (just in case we lose Internet again before Tuesday!)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are starting to feel better - I shared your blog with the pupils as part of our International Week x
