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Monday 30 September 2013

Ethiopia second day - 28/09/13 otherwise known as 18/01/2006 in Ethiopia!

After a decent nights sleep I enjoyed some bread and date jam with a cup of tea for breakfast. Myself and Stephanie then went for a walk around Nazret where I was shown many nice hotels (with pools), a supermarket and the bank to change some money. The exchange rate is extremely good right now so I was very happy to leave the bank with lots of BIRR. We then went to see the grade school and looked at some planning and resources, after which we wandered back to Stephanie and Dawit's house for some lunch - again Injera with Shiro (made without onion and garlic especially for me). Me and Stephanie then had a long chat about the English Alive Academy, how it came about and where it's going to in the future. One more night in the bunk bed for me, then off to a hotel/guest house tomorrow.
There are lots of horse-drawn carts in the side streets which move pretty fast and many horses wandering freely on the roads.
If you drink the tap water, you get a nasty bug which can be cured in 24 hours if you recognise the symptoms and take some pills.
Hyenas are as common as dogs in Nazret - but they only come out at night.

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