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Friday 17 January 2014

Ethiopia sixtieth day - 23/11/13 otherwise known as 15/03/2006 in Ethiopia!

In the morning, the same group met to visit the Blue Nile Falls in Bahir Dar, which proved to be a very interesting journey as it was Saturday and Market Day. There were all sorts of cattle and produce being moved along the road to a big market centre near the falls. Our guide was excellent as he grew up there and continues to live there after studying geography at Bahir Dar's university but he has never been anywhere other than Gondar! He took us to the top of the falls on the opposite side of the bridge where we could see all three falls - two of which would not have been falling if the hydropower plant which takes 75% of the water flow here had not malfuctioned - it was spectacular!
We then walked down near the falls and felt the full power of wind and water in our faces! After a short stop there, we trekked back through chad fields (the local class 2 drug) - apparently our guide only chews 50g per day - and various other crops, I particularly liked the candlewick flower. There were of course lots of children and families selling crafts on the way, but they were wardened off by our guide and we got on a little boat back to the minibus location.
After another interesting minibus journey back to the hotel, I joined Marissa on different minibus to Gondar  for three and a half hours. Rihanna "Where have you been" started and ended our journey which
brought us to the Genetics guest house in Gondar.
Our contact Alex took us to a restaurant called Masterchef where I had a well deserved Pepsi and vegetable/meat/spaghetti dinner before sorting out photos and booking a flight.

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