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Saturday 5 October 2013

Ethiopia Ninth day - 05/10/13 otherwise known as 25/01/2006 in Ethiopia!

I lay in until 8.30am today, the latest I've been up all week! I went for breakfast and then we headed off to the Grade School so that Stephanie could do some photocopying. I set the children up on a computer game and then walked into town for the first time alone! It was very busy and noisy but I didn't get too much hassle, mostly from little children wanting me to buy their packets of tissues and chewing gum. After an hours wander around of seeing the same kind of shops I headed back with a backpack full of exciting new things - such as:
  • Washing powder
  • Fabric Softener
  • Teddy Bear Biscuits
  • Strawberry Jam
  • A tin of tuna
I played with the children and LEGO for a bit while Stephanie finished off and then we headed to the Ras hotel where we enjoyed a fizzy drink around the pool. It then proceeded to throw it down so we waited for the worse to pass and then headed home. After a quick bite, I went back to the guest house for a chat with mum and dad and checked my emails. The power went out for about an hour so I headed to Stephanie and Dawits in the dark and brushed many Barbies hair whilst waiting for dinner. I'm back at the guest house now and the power has returned. Roll on tomorrow to see what exciting Sunday fun is to be had in Nazret!
Oh and in case you are wondering what my room in the guest house looks like, it's very nice:

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