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Wednesday 2 October 2013

Ethiopia Fifth day - 01/10/13 otherwise known as 21/01/2006 in Ethiopia!

Last night was a bit noisy as my next door neighbours seemed to have a bit of a get together - odd for a Tuesday! I awoke to a power cut and opened the door to light rain as I headed off to Stephanie and Dawit's for my habitual morning cup of tea and a bit of date jam on bread.
We all headed to the KG school to set up the water cooler and give out some freebies on the street outside school as the children arrived. I was on a mission today to get the specs. of all the old computers so that I can make them the best that they can be, so, I hopped on the school service bus with the children to the Grade 1-4 School and headed in to get techy! As there was no power, I looked in on all the classes and did a few circle-time activities with grade four as well as quizzing grade three on their knowledge of colours in English - turns out they have never heard of purple!
After snack time (10.30am), the power was back on so I went ahead and played with the PC's. Then after lunch at home with the family, I stayed to do some resource work on  my laptop, after which we all walked back to school to get some sorting out done. Shortly after dinner, the power went out for almost an hour so I walked back to the guest house (with Dawit escort) and headed off to bed.
It's great being in a guest house with TV, hot water heater, internet and lights - when there is power!
When the temperature changes from 30 degrees to 25 degrees here, it feels like a cold day!

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