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Wednesday 9 October 2013

Ethiopia Thirteenth day - 09/10/13 otherwise known as 29/01/2006 in Ethiopia!

Its been a few days since I last blogged as here the weather and power are yo-yoing somewhat. The power usually goes off at least once a day for an hour or less. I have been told it has gone off for three days in a row before - who knows why! As a result I always have my torch at the ready and my kindle charged. I'm on my second book since being here, currently reading Lord of the Flies and just finished Flash Forward - both I highly recommend. The weather seems to change quite suddenly from 30 degrees sunshine to 15-20 degrees and rain and because of this, most people (including me) are suffering with sinus problems, coughs and colds! I'm sure it will pass, Ethiopia is quite a dusty place and I'm getting used to shuffling along between the goats, cows (with extremely looong horns) and dogs on the dirty street. Some have been paved with the Ethiopian version of cobblestones and are much better, but most are dirt tracks.
I haven't eaten any meat since my first day and the raw meat fest! so this is officially the longest time I've gone without it. Can't say my body is disapproving much and the flabby belly I gained over the summer is disappearing slowly - for those of you on the book, it's looking good for the lower end of the after Ethiopia weight!
I've taught all of the grades apart from nursery now and they will be my treat on Friday. All of the grade school have had at least one computer lesson with me and know all the major parts of a PC in English and Amharic. My Amharic is not going so well, I can't remember any of the children's names and the only words I know are a few random numbers, ok, phone and that's about it! It doesn't stop everyone speaking to me in it though, especially the little ones who were practising the robotics of "Good Morning, how are you, I'm fine thank you and my name is..." today!
No-one eats on the street in Ethiopia as it is customary to share/offer to share all food and therefore would be a nightmare walking down the road having to offer to everyone going past.
Cold, flu etc. are known as allergies to the weather here.

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